Honoring Boundaries

In my twenty years of professional life coaching, development and honoring  of boundaries is a very important and highly sought after tool that I share with my clients.

I love this quote and when I heard it a decade ago it stopped me in my tracks:

“Love, without boundaries, makes me a victim.”  Dr. Robin Smith 

 That statement was a defining moment in my life and work.  It highlighted so beautifully the direct connection of boundaries and their empowering force.

I like to declare things positively, so I teach my clients “Love, with boundaries, makes me a victor in my life.”  Coach Wendi

So, what is a boundary?  Basically, it is knowing and honoring where I begin and end holistically,  and where you do. Children learn about “body bubbles” in kindergarten and learn to use their words instead of acting out their frustration that might negatively impact their school  mates.  Physical boundaries are the easiest to identify and respect by communicating clearly to others with what you are comfortable with or not.

Energetic boundaries are trickier to identify and honor and their impact is transformative once you master the art of creating healthy boundaries.

In 2006, I attended an Intensive Training for Wellness Practitioners with Dr. Judith Orloff, psychiatrist, author, and medical intuitive who teaches boundaries to her patients and readers.  I was selected from the class to comment on Dr. Orloff’s training by American Fitness magazine and following is an outstanding article by Nina Silberstein who interviewed Dr. Orloff and myself.  Please enjoy.

Vampires, Be  Gone!  Article


You Get What You Give